Monday, May 21, 2007

World's Largest Trip Day 6 (Thursday May 17th)

World's Largest Revolver


Based on the only photo we had seen of the World's Largest Revolver, we had directions to R&R Tire Shop. The directions were quite straight forward but there was not a big gun in sight. Mankato is no small town - Mankato & North Mankato have a population of about 44,000 - and the world's largest revolver isn't a well known landmark. We decided to attempt to find a coffee shop with internet.
We went to a gas station and borrowed their phone book. We found there was both a Dunn Bros. and Caribou Coffee on Madison Ave. Since the phone book contained town road maps, but not one of Mankato, we set out blindly looking for Madison. Just when we were about to give up we found Madison Avenue. We stopped for coffee and began our interweb investigation.
We came upon a website for an old west gun shop museum and confirmed the address of R&R Tire shop. After looking at the picture of the revolver once again we saw the man in the picture was Rex MacBeth and pieced everything together.

Rex MacBeth owned the old west museum and had started the tire shop with his wife (R&R=Rex and Rosie). Rex passed away in 2006. We phoned R&R Tire Shop to inquire about the revolver and Ben talked to Rosie who informed him, "I donated that thing to the New Ulm gun club." We contemplated driving back to New Ulm, but decided the 40 mile backtrack wasn't worth it. We didn't know if the revolver was on display inside or out and there was no answer at the gun club.

World's Largest Ear of Corn


Our directions to get to the world's largest ear of corn worked out great. We found the Libby's water tower right away. We couldn't get a great picture since the property is surrounded by a fence with barbed wire and no trespassing signs, but we took a picture anyway.

World's Largest Boot (Part 1)

Red Wing

After the delay in Mankato and our stop to visit in Byron, the Red Wing shoe company was closed by the time we reached it. There were lots of artistically painted boots around town, but no sign of the world's largest. We went home with plans of trying again in the morning.

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